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Ballroom Dancesport Tips and Insights

Competitive Ballroom dancing is a great sport to help dancers of any level to remain focused and enthusiastic about their dancing career or hobby.  Natural skills are certainly helpful, but as in any other competitive sport, hard working and continuous progress along side with a supportive and experienced coach and/or instructor can make a competitive event to being fun and inspiring to help staying focused and motivated. Competitions are not for everyone and the best way to find out? By getting on the dance floor and enjoying yourself and the rest will follow! 

Make up and Hair Do Tips -

American Styles



This style seems to attract more and more competitors each year and not only people who are just joining the sport but also seasoned competitiors switching from International style which can be a bit more strenous on your body. Therefore a sleek/creative hair do and playfun/fun make up would be a good combo to highlight yourself from the crowd. See for example pics (to the right) of some of the best competitors for American Rhythm and Smooth. 


International Styles



This style seems to attract extremely confident, competitive, skillfull dancers who are hungry for top results and nothing less! You feel the competitiveness vibe even before you walk onto the dance floor! Therefore a "winner's immage" with a strong/confident/ make up and hair do can enhance your confidence level for a great start! See for example pics (to the right) of some of the best competitors in the "International" world!


Dresses for Sale and/or Rental at OC DANCE STUDIO

Please call or visit our store for latest arrivals and pricing

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